Stephanie Vlahov, M.A.
Stephanie Vlahov is a native Californian, married and the mother of two sons. She is a soccer mom, watercolorist, writer and tender of the hearth. She also runs a recruiting business from home (her "real job".) Having an M.S. in Psychology/Theatre Arts, she was intent on making a career in Creative Arts therapy. After doing extensive internship time in the mental health arena, she decided to put her counseling skills to use in the area of executive recruitment. During the time of business building, she married a wonderful man from Croatia, John, and had two sons, Alexander and Nicholas. They are two years apart.
During what she calls the "manic years" (toddlerhood) she never lost her interest in psychology and observation. Alexander was principally the impetus for this book. She has been involved in regional theatre and arts groups over the years as she met other parents of active creative kids. Through this process, she observed many points in common between the kids and their parents. Through her travels with her family to the Mediterranean and "anywhere tropical", she sees that the element of active/ creativity cuts across all cultures. As an astute student of human nature and people, she continues to write and paint when she is not cleaning the house or driving kids around. Past work has been limited to PTA newsletters and published letters to the editor in the newspaper.
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